A Marshtoon Interlude (Cartoons for the Cottage)

I had been out yesterday doing some consignment shop hunting  -found some unique items.
But, today, I had to get back to doing something creative -just get'er done.

However, I was in the mood to have a laugh.  And so I created a cartoon (marshtoon) that I want to add to the collection for a cottage country calendar.

I have seen the pictures of the fisherman in the river or rapids who has caught that prize winning fish and holds it up to display the prize.  I have also seen the pictures of bears fishing at rapids and in rivers.  I thought it might be amusing to meld the two.

Step one:  Draw preliminary cartoon characters and then the rough and final drawing
Step two:  Use the Tracer light table to draw an ink drawing of the cartoon.
Step three:  Scan the inked picture into the computer and use Seashore to colour in the drawing.
Step four:  Bring the Seashore cartoon into the Comic 3 program to add dialogue, frame and heading.

At sometime I will need to get the set together and add colour either by hand or through an app.


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