
Showing posts from February, 2017

Pyro/Acrylic Wolf Painting

Always that lean and angry look of the wolf.  Me, I see that self assured look of the wolf -almost smug in its confidence.  The burnt, pyrographic lines are becoming less and less noticeable and the structure of the paint is becoming more prevalent.  I will let this sit for a bit before I determine the final finish.

A Pyro/Acrylic Fox Painting

This fox has that furtive look that foxes have whenever they are out and about.  The one that had come onto our property must have been looking for the rabbits that abound under the gazebo, deck and in the fields beyond the cedar ridge that surrounds us. Again, this picture has its base coat and I am thinking about how to finish. Seeing the picture on the blogsite will give me a different perspective.  Strong colours seem to be part of my work -but maybe the paintings do not appear "painterly."  I am wrestling with that.

A Pyro/Acrylic Coyote

Life often gets in the way of getting down to doing my art work -but I do try.  I have embarked on a small series on square panels -challenging composition.  Drawing, burning and painting.  So far I have the base coats down and have left them alone in order to come back with a fresh eye. In our area we have the deer, wolves, coyotes, foxes etc roaming the property or the properties adjacent to ours.  These are the ones I have chosen to paint. Just some reminisces regarding our interactions.  I had been driving along the highway by our house when this large dog ran long side.  I then realized it was a wolf. Coyotes yip of a summer evening across the river.  The red fox has come onto our lot to catch the rabbits that have homes everywhere.  Deer, what can you say.  Lovely to look at until they run into the side of your vehicle and total it out -not withstanding the loss of the deer. These and other animals forage in our fields and occasionally wander onto the property -sometimes they are

A Marshtoon Interlude (Cartoons for the Cottage)

I had been out yesterday doing some consignment shop hunting  -found some unique items. But, today, I had to get back to doing something creative -just get'er done. However, I was in the mood to have a laugh.  And so I created a cartoon (marshtoon) that I want to add to the collection for a cottage country calendar. I have seen the pictures of the fisherman in the river or rapids who has caught that prize winning fish and holds it up to display the prize.  I have also seen the pictures of bears fishing at rapids and in rivers.  I thought it might be amusing to meld the two. Step one:  Draw preliminary cartoon characters and then the rough and final drawing Step two:  Use the Tracer light table to draw an ink drawing of the cartoon. Step three:  Scan the inked picture into the computer and use Seashore to colour in the drawing. Step four:  Bring the Seashore cartoon into the Comic 3 program to add dialogue, frame and heading. At sometime I will need to get the set together and add c