
Showing posts from July, 2015

Oil Pastel and Burnt Lines -Ridge Rabbit

Oil pastel is mixed directly upon the illustration board and then the lines are burnt into the illustration board to get that clean line I like.  The colour mixing is always a challenge as it must be done directly on the illustration board. Here stands a Guardian of the Ridge looking to come down onto the Gazebo Bunny back yard.

Oil Pastel Painting Sultan amongst the Daisies -Part of the Rabbit Series

Further oil pastel work on the adventures of the Ridge Rabbits and Gazebo Bunnies. The Sultan often comes out and stretches in the sun to peruse his domain. Ridge rabbits who dare to venture forth are often chased and at times jump into the air and fight.  Here the Sultan is resting  --waiting.

Another Oil Pastel -Ridge Rabbits and Gazebo Bunnies Series

The rabbits pop up throughout the garden.  Their pausing is that moment in time not to be repeated.  The young gazebo bunny found time to pause amongst the delphiniums.  Such innocence.