Applying the Oil Pastel Base to the Rabbit Under the Forsythia
I applied some of my oil pastels to the picture of the rabbit under the forsythia bush.
A New Picture from the Old -a Fierce Lapin
I laid down the base colours with a harder oil pastel that blends well. I will add the softer oil pastels later.But I have run out of white oil pastel and will need to go out and buy some more before I add the final layers of oil paste finish it. As well, I like to see the picture up on the website in order to note how work is progressing. I can see the need for some further shading in some places and greater highlights in others.
I can also see that the lines for my work are becoming simpler and yet portraying that image I want to achieve.
Until I get more pastels, I will be doing some more drawings in preparation for painting with the oil pastels.
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