
Showing posts from January, 2016

More Pyro Cat boxes -burnt lines and acrylic fluid paint

And the pyro cat boxes go on.  Burnt lines (pyrography) and fluid acrylic paints between the lines are  my work.  Now the big issue is the photographing of the work -I need to do better.Nevertheless, the boxes are looking good.

More Pyro Cat Boxes -burnt lines and acrylic paints

I had another day to work in the studio.  I had to allow time to complete some work for an art meeting with the Riverbend Artists of Grand Valley. For my pyro cat art boxes: I chose a colour scheme for the cats -blues and greys and white. Then I mix a dark and medium of the blue/grey and put in the medium and dark areas as areas. For the light areas I used unbleached titanium white. Then I went over each area with a lighter colour of the area and used "fur strokes." As I neared the finish painted the light areas white and used white "fur strokes" to tie things together. The eyes were painted last (in some cases first) and the back ground painted. Then finishing touches were added where I felt it necessary. I like my paintings to have a relatively bold look, good composition, and an attitude. Just a little smirky.

and Another Pyro Cat box -burnt lines and acrylic fluid paint

It's nice to get down to work in the studio.  I have this set of Pyro Cat boxes I am working on presently.  I need to work some things out before tackling larger pieces -it's been a while since I last worked at my paintings.  The boxes are a nice interlude. And so another cat box bites the dust. I'm enjoying giving them this attitude.

Another Pyro Cat Box -Pyrography and Fluid Acrylic Paint

I have just finished another box with the face of a cat -burnt lines and acrylic paint.

Cat Boxes -pyro characters

I found time to do some art work.  I burnt cat images into some boxes and just painted the white Persian cat face.  I need to get some work done. I had seen boxes on the internet and so decided I would try my hand at cats on a box.  I had done cats before as pictures but wanted to do just faces this time. My Persian  The lines are not all connected as I have done in the past -I'm loosening up   -a  little.

Weird Weather -a marshtoon

Up at the cottage the weather has been as "weird" as it has been at Heron's Way.  Here we have had days of 13  degrees celsius and then -17.  Rain and then snow.  Sunshine then dark days.  3 days in a row I have had to snow blow the driveway to get out.  3 days before I dealt with the rain runoff. Up at the cottage someone had been water skiing -in a Santa costume; other kayaked wearing elf hats.  I spoke to a man that wore a tee shirt and shorts to bbq on Christmas day. This winter, so far, has been "weird." I hope I have captured that sense of weird.  My marshtoons are the type that make you go hmmmm!