
Showing posts from October, 2015

Our Displays at the Orangeville Art Show and Sale

Minnie and I have been busy putting our work into Art Show and Sales all over the county.Here we are at the Orangeville Art Group Annual Art Show and Sale held at the Best Western Plus in Orangeville.  The show had diversity of media and techniques that has improved over the years. Mannie submitted a series of French dyed silk mandalas. I submitted my Ridge Rabbit and Gazebo Bunny Series which my granddaughters and I will make into a book. The day went well but artists continue to ask what has happened to the sales.  (Sales were made at this show but not in the numbers one had hoped for.)

Life gets in the way: Building a Composter

The landscaper (more about that later) took away a multitude of crumbling railroad ties.  But, some were still along the driveway.  The paving crew could not take the rest of the railroad ties away and so I was left with this pile of solid, heavy railroad ties. I could not get rid of them and so I sawed them in half and carried them up to the barn area and arranged them as the composter bin bases to the contour of the southwest garden beside the barn.  Mannie and I had taken all the pickets and caps off the balcony walkway at the front (more later) and so I used them to build up the walls of the composter bins.  I used 4 x 4 posts from the deck we took off the front of the house and fence boards left over from another project.  I did have to buy some more fence boards and 1 x 1 inch pieces for slat guides and slat separation. As seen from the side of the barn.  1 x1 s were cut into 3" pieces and nailed to the fence boards (slats) to create separation for aeration.  I used 2 x 6 lu

Life Puzzle Series: Stages of Man -Back from the Show

The "Life Puzzle Series: Stages of Man" has come home from its debut at the Headwaters Arts Festival Art Show.  I had used my traditional  pyrographic lines and fluid acrylic paint to create what I had hoped were bold statements in the show.  The Judge at the juried show had indicated that they had a Magritte quality about them.  Hmmm!? Chasing Choices Hunger for Acceptance  Loves Labours Lost or Won Preparation for Battle Awaiting Godot Coins for Charon The series almost has to be sold as a series and who's going to do that? It's getting hard to know what the public will buy.  This has become a concern for many of the artists.  No one seems to have an answer as to why art sales are down.

6 rabbit oil pastels at a show

I  created an oil pastel (with burnt lines into the illustration board) series for the Orangeville Art Group Show and Sale this weekend : Tales of the Ridge Rabbits and Gazebo Bunnies             In my backyard, beneath the gazebo live the Gazebo Bunnies.   They come out to eat in the garden, on the lawn, and on the deck.   Often I see them hopping about or sunning themselves on the grass.   The babies often hide beneath the garden leaves and have startled me as I work in the garden.   I have felt like Mr. McGregor at times.             Now beyond the cedars that encircle our property live the Ridge Rabbits who come through the trees to sit upon the backyard ridge and look down at the gardens, lawns and pond. Their venturing further into the property awakens the ire of the Gazebo Bunnies who come from their safe home beneath the gazebo to chase the Ridge Rabbits from the premises.   Sometimes a Ridge Rabbit will turn to defy a Gazebo Bunny with a resulting aerial fight wherein both sta

Fabric collage

I Start with a hand dyed background, then I gather lace, beads, embroidery thread and begin the process of arranging and manipulating the elements of the composition.  As I continue working the design becomes a happening, and this is a  completed work.

I may have found a way to blog from my iPad

Here goes.  So far I can write.   And now I can add photos. I used Blogger, an app from the Apple App Store....for free.

My stab at using my iPad mini to add a post

Luckily I had our blog on my iPad mini.  I opened up our blog and found blogger at the bottom.  I clicked on that and the blog login came up.  I am in, chose to post, and here I am. I could upload a photo from Picassa but I need to figure out how to get a photo from my iPad photos to the blog post.  Will check in again when I figure it out.

Marshtoons for the summer at the cottage

Life just seems to get in the way of getting to my art.  I'll show some of the experiences from this past summer in further posts.  But, while at the cottage, Mannie and I went to the cottage association's corn roast and met a number of the cottagers we had never met before.  And, later, when the family was up, we had gone to the regatta day to see swimming races, etc, --including a boat race where the boats were made of cardboard (and a lot of duct tape).  Thus the two marshtoons for the Lake Cecebe Association's newsletter that just came out.  (I'm not so sure why bears show up in a lot of my Marsh Hall Tales -but they do.)