
Showing posts from April, 2014

Constructing a Marshtoon to be Sent by Email

The time has come again when I have to construct a cartoon (Marshtoon) that can be sent by email to the publication up north where we have our cottage. Last year a number of docks were swept down the river and ended up on one guys lawn as his cottage is at the bend in the river.  Cottagers from the lake had to go down and relieve their docks from the lot -or suffer a yard sale.  One of the docks was in the water and could not be budged.  On inspection the cottagers/retrievers found that even the crib had been dragged along with the dock. I have concerns about our new dock we just had built last summer (along with raising a sunken boathouse -but that's another story).  This is our dock's first winter. Ergo this Marshtoon. I start with doodles in my sketch book until one just fits the idea I'm trying to get across.  Sometimes there are a number of sketches before I make my final choice.  But, eventually one suits me and off I go to my studio.  (You can see where I tore it out

A Rant on the Weather

The snow has been fierce here this winter and especially so in January.  I seem to live for snow blowing.  I had to buy an electric snowblower to blow the snow to get to the gas powered snow blower.  So not a lot of art has been done. Said enough.

Id seeking Ego -the first panel of my new wood burning series

The background in my burnt wood panel series "the Angst of Man" has changed to a jig-saw puzzle theme or motif.  Even with others in the picture the puzzle pieces represent so much  -trying to fit, what fits what does not, events people, character build up, and, and, and... No matter how I try to control the burn line I do not achieve that perfect line.  And maybe that's all part of the process where there is that play between technique and materials and the artist attempting to achieve that perfect image. At this stage too much of the repetitive lines stands out.  Painting will therefore be critical to assuring the image stands out and not the motif. I have 5 more sessions of burning before the painting. If I work too long at a session the wires get hot on the pyro tool to the point they melt -so breaks are required.  The fumes from the burning are another aspect of this method that creates delays.  And I am working in the workshop which is heated to 12 degrees Celsius.